Tuesday, July 26, 2005

still waiting

like a chicken on an egg
or a child at christmas
or a pregnant pause
or an actor in the wings

like a soldier facing battle
a prisoner waiting sentence
a driver caught in traffic
patient on a table

i wait for the gods to move

this long and sometimes
waiting for the phone
waiting for the mass to end
waiting for the loan
waiting around for this and that
and all i want is work
instead of feeling stuck here
like a bottom feeding jerk

let there be some news today
let there be a call
before this little home we've made
shudders from wall to wall

maybe i seem desparate
or simply out of air
i'm getting way to old for this
looming sad dispair

so let the gods of show biz
tap me on the arm
that i may pay for food and stuff
and no one comes to harm


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