Saturday, May 07, 2005

rooster and hawk

my roosters crow is silent this morning at dawn
in the forest a red tailed hawk is on task
waiting for breakfast or supper out on the lawn
thinking that he will dine on a chicken at last

dudley my rooster takes good care of his girls
he makes sure that they're safe from the clutches of harm
he watches the skies for the danger above him that swirls
as he flaps his wings and sings out his threat'ning alarm

the drama is high as the rooster and hawk face each other
the hawk ever patient while dudley stands tall at his guard
the air is all tense as the silent war ever hovers
the hawk in the maple the rooster sharp eyed in the yard

the drama is thick as i stand at my window and wonder
the hawk or the rooster, which one will make the first blunder


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